It's Time for

My photo
What began as a "fun" thing to do as a collective (with an ex-bf) has lead to moving on and continue solo. Thank you for visiting.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Shoe Date

Lela Rose for Payless

style: Lafayette
color: rouge
price = $45

Friday, November 26, 2010

Voice at 11:11

(video: "Missing You" by Diana Ross)

Since the last post which was a guest post, things have come up in my life that (1) find was to survive (2) an unexpected shock (3) holiday blues. Throughout these past weeks there have been some good things meeting to be thankful for
    - here's a day I wake up to begin a new day
    - so far my health 
    - my god sister -- being back in each other lives again
    - those who've taught me certain things giving me better clarity about myself (both positive & negative people)

I don't know who is into the number thing, lately I've been noticing the time 11:11either at home or somewhere else. It could be a.m. or p.m. but boom... there it is 11:11. Last week on the train on my way to getting my hair did (a cut I'm not happy with btw). A stranger (a woman sitting next to me) over heard me mumble aloud "huh? wha? I'm seeing 11:11 again??" This stranger tapped me on the shoulder proceeded to tell me, seeing those numbers repetitively means some sort of connection. An open door to another part of  who I am within myself... in a positive way. Usually whatever has been forgotten needs to be remembered. I was stumbling for words to respond because I was thinking to myself "great you did it again using your outside voice & not your inside my head voice... LoL" So I nodded, smiled and kind of slid away a teensy bit. 

I take out the last new book I purchased realizing I've been distracted to even finish reading that book. As I pull out the book to continue reading, the conductor makes announcements while the train pulls into the station. The woman before getting off says to me "you see 11:11 for a very important reason. Let your heart be in peace by letting go of all the pain. Reconnect with your spirit/your soul. Take a good look at your surroundings but mostly yourself. Take notice of whats REALLY going on within you and the world your in." Now I'm really at a lost for words, stunned, even felt a bit embarrassed but not offended. 

I am now at my destination going through my entire 'hair glam' day treatment ending in #fail. I see there was a message left on my phone but I didn't hear my phone ring? Ok well a message must have been left while on the subway earlier. It is bad news from a relative of someone I was in a relationship with (that didn't end well) that has passed away a few days prior. His relative did not want to have to leave me a voice message but felt I should know.  A numbing feeling hit me, I thought maybe they dialed the wrong number and left this sad news on the wrong voice mail so I played the message again and again and again... AND... AGAIN. Oh no it was meant for me... the time the message was left was 11:11am. 

Is this for real? What should I do? Do I return the call? Do I just show up where he lived? Why am I feeling like a chicken without its head? I stood there in the street with a puzzled look yet hitting the number on my phone that will automatically dial back the person who left the message. I expected to leave a message of my condolences followed by asking to email me funeral information, but there was a voice on the other end... "hello *annoyed sigh* HELLO!" I responded "um hi" they knew my voice, who I was and the conversation continued on. As we are talking, I am getting the details. I am thinking about our relationship, how we met, the good times and the bad ones. Then the woman on the train popped up in my mind... the time I looked up to see the time on the train 11:11 the exact time the voice mail was left. Who was she??

I have not had the feeling of wanting to update my blog. My mind has been on sort of a shut down, my emotions on this roller coaster of wearing a mask of denial one minute to ok no one is around take the mask off the next minute. Flashes of those kind and unkind words we said to each other in our relationship. Making the decision to ignore being told it is best for me not to attend the funeral.

I type this post finally at home today to attempt the first step to let go (inspired by @TheHopefulRom new post). Still unsure of wanting to get deep and post about the recent news I received before the holiday. Let alone about that particular relationship, but you wouldn't believe me when I tell you (I can't believe it myself right now) the time on my laptop... 11:11am.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wednesdays Wonder Woman: Special Guest Post from The Hopeful Romantic

I was hesitant to share what has begun as another creative outlet for myself. Subconsciously I might have been a little intimidated by the bloggers / professional writers I follow or have known about for sometime. She has been kind enough to light that match under my 'arse' for me to not feel shy & nervous about my blog. Although I'm still a bit nervous about not being up to par for the readers and fellow writers, I am open to to receive from many of the infinite channels of the universe.

In seeking & putting it out into the Universe to attract the right quality of people, positive situations and experiences that will be of purpose, wisdom and meaning in our lives and be the person we are meant to become.

Today I have a special post from one of the coolest UK Amiga's I have met by being an Internet Social Butterfly. I am glad to share tweets, become social mates on facebook, and adding her to my 'A'mor List along with the many other blogs that I am genuinely inspired by & enjoy reading as well.

Like everyone else who has become socially inclined to communicate with current friends, reconnect with certain parts of their past, network to form business relationships and possibly build new friendships from around the world through a variety of social networks. My experience has so far been a pleasant one, getting to know another new person in my life that has common or various interests and goals.

I am excited to share with you her post about a Wonderful Woman who has been of great inspiration and support in her life. I would like to welcome and introduce (pssst follow her too) The Hopeful Romantic be a special guest writer on SOLEmates & The City ...  Gracias THR  ;o)


written by special guest blogger : The Hopeful Romantic

My mother is the ultimate dichotomy: funny, loving, welcoming, patient... yet impulsive, unpredictable and in some ways very, very, spoiled. And I wouldn't change her for the all the candy in the Hershey's factory.

She is the woman who cares to notice the sad looking that sad looking stranger that everyone else pretends they don't see. She is the woman who cannot and will not let you to take on disappointment and drown yourself in self pity.
She is the woman who (along with my Dad) went without to ensure that my sisters and I always had what we needed. When the odds were stacked against us - her faith and her determination recast them. She worked those two jobs, she saved every penny she had and she taught us to dream big, think big and always act with grace.

And for all that I may or may not have received physically as I was growing up. I never felt like we went without. So, we didn't have the latest toys and I used to wear hand me downs... but none of that mattered because that woman literally clothed me in love.

The funny thing is, I never really thought too hard about all she did for me until I
nearly lost her to Breast Cancer. I won't give you all the details that's my Mum's story to tell. But suffice to say, she fought one of the hardest most drawn out battles against cancer that I have been aware of... over six years on she is still here. She is still standing and she is still fighting.

Fighting to make sure that the countless children in the care system who weren't so wanted are advocated for. Fighting to ensure that there is a positive legacy for her children's children's children. Fighting to ensure that my sisters and myself never allow ourselves to feel that we are "less than".

I LOVE that woman for it. For all that she is, all that she will be, and ALL that she has inspired me to be. You can't pick your family but I know that I am blessed to not only call her my mum, but to call her my friend. My own personal Superwoman -- the Wonder Woman that she is to so many.


"My mom is a never ending song in my heart of comfort, happiness and being. I may sometimes forget the words but I always remember the tune."  ~Graycie Harmon

Keep Going!


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wednesday Wonder Woman: Katrina Currie

Surfing the internet SOLEmates and The City has come across an interesting woman who is helping women and teens see that they can heal from external & internal scars.

Today's Wonder Woman is Katrina Currie, founder of Beautify the Meek. Check out the video of how Ms. Currie gives back by helping the women of the community.

Find more videos like this on The MPHS Tiger Connection.......

Thank you for stopping by the Hive, buzz on over for next Wednesday Wonder Woman who will be a featured special guest. 

"Carpe Diem Today"


Thursday, November 4, 2010

How I Met Everyone Else - "Tales from the Bus ride"

Up early still getting the hang of this blogging thing by scrapping off the rust from my creative writing wheel. Having tons of fun with it and enjoy reading the writers I follow. I wanted to make a quick post before my morning jog then begin my day of to-do-list.

I have been meaning to post about a few things but I will start with this. Two weeks ago I had an interesting bus ride. Nothing like the movie Speed, falling in love with someone handsome who has saved me from a life threatening situation. No just a pleasant conversation with an average bus driver (call him #15). He wouldn't be my type (*hmph* sometimes I'm still figuring out what IS my type lol) but if this makes any kind of sense, maybe I found the conversation attractive.

It's not so much about flirting with a man or meeting my 'Winchester boys with a blend of Noah from the move Notebook' type of guy. It's about uncharted territories. In order to prove I can have a successful relationship with my Mr. Right. I need to take risks with an unfamiliar parts of myself. To be ok with having a casual conversation men without the stigmata of the angry bitter woman eternally scorned.

Not to worry what people think showing that I am a confident woman. That I am in touch with my own tools of  discernment pertaining to my inner spirit, my mind and my heart. It's about knowing which risks to go forward with and which ones to step away from.

My conversation with #15 was about general things it lead to how the city works verses the state for people who have city jobs. There was no turn-offs by taking a casual conversation & leading it into something other than what it should be. A cool relationship among strangers. Well I ran into him again twice this week. First on Monday making my usual run to the city. I didn't realized who he was until after I sat down. I didn't play that ol' game of "oh... yeah not interested... but hi anyway" . I said hello, wished a good day and got off the bus. Then I saw him again the next day on my way back from the city, he was a bit abrupt towards me. Didn't take it personal I just said well hello to you too when he looked up he said hey! apologized for being abrupt but his day has been stressful and rushed. We asked how each of us was doing, joked about his day and the people he had to deal with that day. When it was time for me to go he thanked me for not having an attitude, giving him a good laugh and for making him smile. I said it was nice to run into him again and wished him a good evening.

Nothing more nothing less... just tapping into my own uncharted territory to becoming a better me.

Time for me to get my workout on. Thanks for visiting don't forget to join the Hive of fellow HoneyBz.


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wednesdays Wonder Woman

I want to dedicate my Wednesdays to the 'super women' that exist in this world. The inspiration, feelings of appreciation, spiritual influence, sisterhood, universal love we all share for the women who have had some form of influence in our lives.

The women of nostalgia, pioneers, legends, glamour, elegance, sensuality that are in the spotlight who we admire and respect.

For women themselves who suffered emotionally, physically, financially. Fought on their own to make it through to be a survivor. The Rebel Goddess of HERstory.

Powerful sisterhood among sisters and friends deep connection and understanding of a 'sister-friend soul mate' sharing unconditional love.

These are the women men love unconditionally and want. These women are... their love, their life, their inspiration. Women who taught them how to be a good man. The women who make them feel like a man. The reality of a soul mate they could ever dream of. The backbone of a man, his pride and joy.

I would like to post humorous images, share stories and beautiful photos of what makes a woman wonderful. Acknowledging the strength that carries on for a thousand lifetimes within all of us. If you like to share and don't mind me posting it on my blog feel free to submit an email by Tuesday. Click on the title to email me and type it in the subject My Wonder Woman and I will post it on Wednesdays.

Mine is my mother (she didn't want me to post her photo) although we don't have a bond like a mother and daughter should there is some form of a connection. As a woman I learned how to forgive what has been and to understand what has not, because of that I will appreciate and be eternally inspired by my mother. In my heart she will always be my Wonder Woman.

Tell me, Who is the 'Wonder Woman' in your life?

"Carpe Diem Today"


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