It's Time for

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What began as a "fun" thing to do as a collective (with an ex-bf) has lead to moving on and continue solo. Thank you for visiting.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

How I Met Everyone Else - "Tales from the Bus ride"

Up early still getting the hang of this blogging thing by scrapping off the rust from my creative writing wheel. Having tons of fun with it and enjoy reading the writers I follow. I wanted to make a quick post before my morning jog then begin my day of to-do-list.

I have been meaning to post about a few things but I will start with this. Two weeks ago I had an interesting bus ride. Nothing like the movie Speed, falling in love with someone handsome who has saved me from a life threatening situation. No just a pleasant conversation with an average bus driver (call him #15). He wouldn't be my type (*hmph* sometimes I'm still figuring out what IS my type lol) but if this makes any kind of sense, maybe I found the conversation attractive.

It's not so much about flirting with a man or meeting my 'Winchester boys with a blend of Noah from the move Notebook' type of guy. It's about uncharted territories. In order to prove I can have a successful relationship with my Mr. Right. I need to take risks with an unfamiliar parts of myself. To be ok with having a casual conversation men without the stigmata of the angry bitter woman eternally scorned.

Not to worry what people think showing that I am a confident woman. That I am in touch with my own tools of  discernment pertaining to my inner spirit, my mind and my heart. It's about knowing which risks to go forward with and which ones to step away from.

My conversation with #15 was about general things it lead to how the city works verses the state for people who have city jobs. There was no turn-offs by taking a casual conversation & leading it into something other than what it should be. A cool relationship among strangers. Well I ran into him again twice this week. First on Monday making my usual run to the city. I didn't realized who he was until after I sat down. I didn't play that ol' game of "oh... yeah not interested... but hi anyway" . I said hello, wished a good day and got off the bus. Then I saw him again the next day on my way back from the city, he was a bit abrupt towards me. Didn't take it personal I just said well hello to you too when he looked up he said hey! apologized for being abrupt but his day has been stressful and rushed. We asked how each of us was doing, joked about his day and the people he had to deal with that day. When it was time for me to go he thanked me for not having an attitude, giving him a good laugh and for making him smile. I said it was nice to run into him again and wished him a good evening.

Nothing more nothing less... just tapping into my own uncharted territory to becoming a better me.

Time for me to get my workout on. Thanks for visiting don't forget to join the Hive of fellow HoneyBz.


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